Don't you think some people are just better off within the org?
- They may suffer from anxiety, loss of identity, loss of structure or whatever when exiting the cult, but all that can be addressed by education, therapy, etc.
- The JW mind disease is contagious. Any JW who exits the cult is one less recruiter that can ruin someone else's life by drawing them into the cult.
- If a JW leaves others may be triggered into waking up as well.
- Any JW who exits the cult is one less money source to keep the cult alive.
- Any JW who exits the cult is one less seat filler. Less filled seats equals less 'encouragement' and a lower morale for those who stay in.
So even if there is no apparent improvement for some individual, their exit may likely prove beneficial for society in general, for people both in and outside the cult.
Therefore I'll likely try to wake up anyone I can, regardless of their individual benefits.